I have always been a person who has handled things on my own. Didn't need much help
from anyone. An only child for 14 years of my life made it easy to take care of things and not ask for help.
Then the unthinkable comes. November 10, 2012. A date it will take years and maybe never will go away. It is brought to me that my husband of almost 14 years has been meeting with, touching, and seeking out other women--again. This was time 3.
My breath is taken away. I find it hard to pray but know that is the only thing to
make it make sense of any kind. Then I make a text that shares my world with my friend,
Sheila. No idea at the time the rock she will become in my life. I am only thinking I need
someone who will pray and I know she will. This began a friendship with someone who I
had been sort of friends with before this.
She led me to rely on my first rock, Jesus. She prayed for me until I could pray for myself. She gave support through many phone calls, emails, texts, and meeting with me when I needed someone. She made it safe to share. No judgment. Often no words, just listening. A quiet room to hide in in the middle of my day. An encourager when I thought I couldn't keep going.
The rock I have depended on before this and have learned to lean on in new ways since
this is Jesus. My friend kept leading me back to Him in new ways. He came for a week and
was with me at my side. It was like feeling like someone is there even before they speak. I
just knew He was there. So real I could close my eyes and reach out and feel Him as a
person there. He followed me through each day. At the end of the week I had a strength and a reliance on Him I had never had in this way before. And it has continued since.
My two rocks have pulled me through so much and made things easier. I still draw my
daily strength from Jesus. He helps me know how to handle the days with my boys. He
helps me meet the challenges in single parenting. He is my guide each day.
My friend still checks with me regularly when she hasn't heard from me. She knows
things are o.k. for now but that there are some challenges yet to come. She does the best
thing a friend could do, pray for me.
Without these rocks, my life would be so different. I can't imagine a life without them.
Solid, strong, sure, and on my side.
Lee, it takes courage to share the deep and hurt places in our hearts. Hugs to you, and thank you for being vulnerable. Hugs my friend!