Sunday, October 13, 2013

In the Middle of the Night...

    Some of the best times and some of the toughest times come in the middle of the night. I went into labor with my first son in the middle of the night.  What an exciting event! Then I spent almost every night for the next year awake.  Tough to be so exhausted!
    Being awakened to that all too well known sound every parent has experienced.  First, the crying.  Then, the "mommy".  Ending in the clean up of stuff that should never come out of a cute little child's mouth.  Tough stuff!
    A baby's cry so you get up to nurse. The house is quiet, it is calm once you settle in with the baby. Suddenly, you realize how wonderful this time is and how it can never be replaced.  One day you won't have this time any more and you will miss it.  The best stuff! 

    You are awake and it is 3:00 a.m.  Yikes, tomorrow will be tough!  No matter what you can't get back to sleep.  You begin to pray.  As you pray, people are just brought to mind.  You now know why you are awake.  As you hear God's voice lead you, you relax.  The next thing you know it is morning and you feel more relaxed and refreshed than you would have thought.  The great stuff!


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