Our pastor about a month ago now spoke during part of his sermon about why we aren't amazed by God more often. I still remember thinking, I am amazed by Him all the time! I do remember life when I wasn't. When I forgot to be. Here are some of the things that have happened in just two weeks of life that just leave me saying, "God, You are sooooo amazing!"
Two weeks ago the Lord gave me two verses to start praying over my boys daily. The idea came from a devotion. The verses chosen were given by God. One of these verses I had hanging in my dining room, where we spend much time walking past and can see it often, that then said this is one for them. The other came out of looking for one to use out of the suggestions given. Both are about overcoming evil with good. At this same time I felt led to ask some people I hadn't before to pray for my boys and my about to be ex-husband. Two weeks later, now, I see what God was setting up as true protection for my boys. Their dad has a new girlfriend in his life who took it upon herself to yell at me in public. Thankfully my boys were not there to witness this. It was so full of untruths and evil. I knew that this was what God was protecting them against. She has been with them for a month now when they are with him. This was our first meeting and happened to be taking care of an issue during which their dad and I were fine but she was not. God is soooo amazing!
In this same two week time I was praying along with a friend for her son. He is off at college and just struggling with adjusting but is strong in his faith. The Lord brought to me what I call a mini sermon along with a picture to draw to illustrate it. I felt I was to write it down and share it with him. I passed it to her and told her to share it with him as she saw fit. It turned out he was to be home to visit in an hour or so. Later that night I got a text from her. She shared the conversation they had been having, through text, of course, it is 2014. It was amazing that God had used just that little bit that I was almost scared to share to open a floodgate that needed opening. Amazing!
Also, during this time this same boy had a friend he has known most of his life, done sports with, and done life with ask him to come to a neighboring college and talk to him because he had questions about the Bible. Of course, he went right away. He spent a long time explaining why Jesus came and what He has done for us. Over the next week or so there were many of these conversations. The roommate of the boy asking also knows Jesus as Savior in his life. He asked his roommate to borrow his Bible. The next day these two boys bought their friend his own Bible, had it engraved with his name on the cover, and wrapped it and left it for him. He was in awe and loved it. Before was all done, the about to be newly saved boy texted and asked for my friend, the first boys mom, to come and talk with him. She went. The four of them sat together as he accepted Christ. It was sweet to hear all of this and see how these young boys out on their own for the first time witnessing to their friend. All are absolutely amazed at our God!
Just look around. Listen to your friends. Open your heart. Ask Jesus to let you see His presence in our world. He will and you will live in a place of amazement every day. The more amazing thing, it isn't even close to what it will be like when we meet Him in heaven one day!
