Thursday, December 19, 2013


    So, here is my pondering...

I have noticed that many lead Sunday School.  What I have noticed is that those who lead adult Sunday School tend not to be people who attend Sunday School.  There are those times when one of us might not be leading a class but yet don't attend one when we aren't.  Why is that?  I am noticing in my own heart that I am not willing to sit in just any class with just anyone leading it.  Why?  Is it a sign of spiritual maturity or immaturity?  Do I find some people worthy of learning from and not others?  And yet I know some of the most "on fire" Christians are the newest believers.  As leaders we want people to come to our classes and it gives us a measure of whether or not we are successful as class leaders.  So, why wouldn't we be filling someone else's class to help them feel worth it?  Will pray this through in my own heart.  And am one to sit in on a class just because I love to be in a corporate setting soaking in any little tidbit that is a new perspective.  It keeps me moving and alive!  Not all work this way, I know.  Just thinking out loud to others who sit in same place as me.  Thoughts...?